If goodness lead him not, yet weariness
May toss him to My breast.

-George Herbert

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Murshid Kabir Bhajan,

Divine beauty! Intoxicating!


  1. My internet is running verrrry slow, so I will take a stroll through your blog tomorrow at the library! ;) However, I love the mermaid painting and wondered who painted it; also, I am very surprised that you've read On Becoming An Alchemist!! It's one of my favorite books and it got me through a difficult time. I love it, but no one I know has heard of it. I'm glad someone else has!

  2. Thanks Lily for your comment. The mermaid painting is by the American illustrator and author Howard Pyle. Have you ever seen the pen and ink illustrations he made for his retellings of the Arthurian legends? They are magnificent! He was also the mentor of N.C. Wyeth, another great illustrator whom you may know of. I just finished re-reading On Becoming an Alchemist while I was at the beach this month! The brilliance of that book astounds me. Since you like that book so well, you would love the anonymously published Meditations on the Tarot: an Introduction to Christian Hermeticism. It also is in a class by itself. Thanks again for taking the time to look at my blog.

  3. I haven't heard of the artist nor seen his ink work - but I have him on google images right now. :) Beautiful work; it's always a pleasure to find a great "new-to-you" artist.

    I haven't read Meditations on the Tarot, but I will check it out!

    On Becoming An Alchemist really changed a large aspect of the way I see life, and it helped me move forward in life and into a wonderful relationship and deeper understanding of myself. I can't find it at stores anymore, though! :(
